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New deposition technology for automobile lamp coating

发布时间: 2018-01-26 16:36 更新时间: 2018-01-26 16:36

New deposition technology for automobile lamp coating


Technically automobile lamp process requires super-high reflectivity by vacuum deposition. With updated vacuum deposition technology, the substrate (automobile lamp) is not necessary to go through the base coating or the top coating by varnish painting. Thus, the production cost is largely reduced and the contamination to nature is eliminated.


By the technology of plasma cleaning and activation on the surface of the substrate as well as PECVD, it is sufficient to put the automobile lamps (substrates) into the vacuum chamber once, the whole process can be achieved within a few minutes in one batch, including MF activation, metal deposition and protective film coating. This new technology is mature in application and has been extensively used in many industries.


Guangdong Zhenhua Vacuum Technology Co..


Alex Li

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Email: vacuumsale@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.pvd-metallizer.com


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