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Sputtering line for touch screen production

发布时间: 2018-01-26 16:45 更新时间: 2018-01-26 16:45

Sputtering line for touch screen production




Our company can design and produce a complete set of sputtering lines for the manufacturing of capacitive touch screen, including some consecutive magnetron sputtering lines for ITO coating, for metalic film coating and surface hard-layer film coating. We are able to provide related components of capacitive touch screen or undertake turnkey project for whole plant construction.


The technical flowchart is as following:


Glass panel --- ITO deposition --- photolithographical process --- insulation bridging --- metal coating --- photolithographical process --- hard-layer coating.


China Guangdong PVD Metallizer Co.

Alex Li

Mobile: +86

Wechat: metallizer

Skype: vacuum-metallizer

Email: vacuumsale@hotmail.com


Website: http://www.pvd-metallizer.com


  • 地址:广东省肇庆市肇庆大道西段云桂路振华工业园(321国道过境公路近蓝带啤酒厂)
  • 邮编:526060
  • 电话:13106805907
  • 销售经理:林泽贤
  • 手机:13106805907
  • 微信:13106805907
  • QQ:791661331